1.The two parties failed to come to terms by the end of the talks. The only agreement was to exchange information.
2.These interactions are described in terms of components plugging into a software bus to exchange information.
3.The Company as an information platform, with all business partners willing to exchange information.
4.This made it just as easy for users to exchange information with co-workers in a branch office as with those in their own office.
5.However, the protocols must be able to transfer data rapidly between IIS and the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.
6.FIX is one of many business-to-business based exchange formats that allow financial institutions to exchange information.
7.Data Model: The model used to act as the format to exchange information between the user and the server that provides the information.
8.A set of rules, called network protocols, that computers use to exchange information over the Internet and over home and business networks.
9.And now it has developed into computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information.
10.Additionally, SchemaServer describes the structural models used to store and exchange information as a hierarchy of information classes.